- Kol (Real name)
- Darkness (preferred name)
- Dark
- Pitch
- Nox
Physically: 29
Mentally: 13.8 Billion
A species of Nihil
Creator + Previous Owner of The Shadows
Shortly after the universe was created, Darkness appeared in Nihil, The Void Realm or The Nothing by the common tongue. Wandering the endless dark dunes for millions of years, he searched and begged for any sign of life or escape. His wish was one day granted when he appeared in Realm Between Realms. With a strength that grew within the void, he used his unimaginable power to create The Shadows, a realm that homed nightmares and dark creatures, Shadows that fed power to Darkness. In the early days, free from the restraints of the balance of nature, The Shadows amassed incredible strength, its owner becoming an unstoppable force. However, while he had this power and strength, he felt isolated, being the only Occultum in existence with all those around him viewing him as a monster.
After many millennia ruling over the Shadows and making a name for himself amongst other entities that came to be, Darkness had a vision of other Occultum, like him, stuck in The Nothing. Seeing that he wasn't alone, he journeyed back to the void to find his siblings. Time worked differently in Nihil. What felt like a few days was a couple of years in The Shadows. Upon his return with his new young brother Rowan, Darkness being unable to find the others from his vision, he was surprised by a group of Shadows who had begun to claim the realm for their own in the absence of their king. Elsewhere, God had created the Kingdom of Light along with Dark's opposition, Light herself, before building Earth to counter the Darkness brought to the universe. These ‘Superior Shadows’ wanted the realm for themselves, and with the threat of Light and Darkness' abilities weakened by his visit to The Nothing, he had no choice but to work alongside the Superiors, The Realm of The Shadows now more loyal to them than it was to its original creator.
After a couple of years of raising his young brother and reluctantly working with the Superior Shadows, visions of his other kin still plagued his mind. Wanting to help them escape the cruelness of Nihil and hoping that one day they would help him maintain their home, he decided to journey back to The Nothing for a third time. Two Occultum twins we saved, Mordecai, and Kyra. While also trying to keep Rowan safe in The Shadows, Darkness made sure to be much quicker in this endeavour. With success, Darkness returned to The Shadows with the new additions to his family. However, The Superior Shadows had gained much more control over his realm. Desperate to get his realm back in complete control for the sake of his family, he plotted to invade the Kingdom of Light, gain its ruler's sympathy and alliance, and take advantage of her power.
After sneaking into Light's realm, he quickly introduced himself to her, using his manipulation and social prowess to gain her trust. He even invited her to see his realm and its dark yet magnificent views, explaining his current situation and how he may lose everything. However, he didn't plan what happened next, and soon after, Darkness and Light fell for each other after their many secret rendezvous. Soon after they got closer, they were caught by both The Superiors and The Kingdom of Light's leading Archangels, and the couple were separated forcefully. While Darkness was locked up for his ploy to gain control, he and Light still spoke telepathically. However, their relationship didn't last much longer, Light brutally breaking things off with him.
Now burdened with the loss of his love, his lack of control over his home and raising his younger siblings, Darkness was on the brink of losing his realm completely. How did the superiors gain this much strength? Where were they getting it? Or rather who were they getting it from?
Seeing his vulnerability but unable to fully control the realm without him alive, they offered Darkness a deal. One that would recognise them, specifically their leader Genevieve, as the sole owner of The Shadows. He refused, not wanting his siblings or him to lose their home to such pathetic creatures, let alone allowing them to have the power the came with The Shadows. After refusing the deal and storming out, Darkness went to his siblings as they played at a tree house near the home Darkness had built for them. He wanted to move them somewhere safer if the Superiors decided to take more drastic actions against him. However, he was too late. They came and attacked them all, destroying their home and capturing Darkness. They made him watch as they burned the tree house both Mordecai and Kyra were playing in, taking away Rowan as Darkness screamed in agony.
Grieving for the loss of his family and unable to use his powers, Darkness was put before Genevieve as they offered him one last chance to hand over his realm to them. He looked up to see that they had possession of the realm's core, explaining why he couldn't use his abilities and how they had gotten so strong (who helped them get it is still unknown to him). Pained with Light's betrayal and the loss of his siblings, Darkness broke free from his captor's grasp and ran for the realm's core, reaching to grab it and take it back. To this day, he is still unsure of what happened at that moment. Soon after attempting to take the core, Darkness woke up on Earth. He remembers feeling the realm core repel him. If that was the case, then the realm was confirmedly no longer his.
Soon after his banishment to Earth came the Dark Ages, a time of fear and misery for humanity as his pain consumed it. For 900 years, the world remained this way as he grieved and mourned the loss of his home and family, feeding on the fear of humans to endure and survive. He searched for his last remaining brother, Rowan, with no luck; Darkness was unable to enter The Shadows.
After the Dark Ages prevailed on Earth, He met Envy, a sin of Lucifer's, attempting to seduce her to get The Devil's attention so that he could ask for a deal, which wasn't easy to obtain. Usually, Lucifer comes to you for a deal, and it was difficult for someone to offer him one, let alone contact him. However, Darkness was never in control of his emotions. He fell for Envy before immediately cutting off the possibility of a relationship to protect her and himself, not wanting to repeat history. Despite this, he had succeeded in capturing The Devil's attention. Lucifer noticed Dark's situation and offered him a deal. He would help Darkness destroy the Superiors in exchange for a piece of The Shadows and the power that came with it. Desperate to return home and find Rowan, he considered The Devil's offer. However, he didn't like the idea of giving the Devil strength enough to take over if he wanted to.
After proposing a counteroffer, Darkness, soon after, saw what he thought could be evidence that someone from his realm was on Earth. The Uxshurra, a cursed monster from the Shadows, was attacking something in a small town. This creature only attacked whomever its owner wanted to, and its current owner was Genevieve. Curious to see what it was attacking, Darkness ventured to seek answers. There, he found Rowan, now grown up yet more tainted with insanity and pain. With the shock of seeing his long-lost brother, the creature had a chance to bite Darkness before being defeated and forced to return to the Shadows by Rowan.
Now reunited with his brother, yet unknowingly infected by the Uxshurra's bite, Darkness must quickly decide whether to accept the Devil's deal or form enough alliances to take back his home and gain the power and strength he once had, avenging his brother and sister in the process.
Darkness’ personality has changed a great deal over time. Once, he was a master of fear, able to pridefully show his confidence in strength, abilities, and intelligence as he dominated human emotions and owned the attention of any room he entered. Darkness has always had a short temper, his impatience occasionally proving his downfall. He used to use this anger to get what he wanted when he wanted it, making him unstoppable in the eyes of many.
However, after his home was taken, his heart was broken, and his family split apart, Darkness fell into a deep pit of grief and sorrow, now remaining bitter and cold. He’s become twice as emotional as before yet more mindful of his decisions and the people he talks to. Rather than being blunt and not backing away from a fight, Dark now avoids any who aren’t worth his time or attention. He used to conjure fear in others for sport. However, now that he has no natural support from The Shadows, keeping his strength up feels like a chore.
With little to lose and a lack of self-care, Darkness is now impulsive rather than calculated. He takes bigger risks, even going as far as harming himself to make an impact or get what he wants.
Beneath the pain and the anger, Darkness can be highly protective of those he cares for, especially his family. He rarely talks about his feelings to anyone, except during moments of vulnerability in which he can become destructive to himself and others. The thing he desires most is to have his family and home back. His original chaotic desire was to take over earth and have the Shadows consume it. Now, all he wants is to live in his home with his family in peace.
1,92 (6'3)
Icy Blue
- His skin becomes entirely black, burning away his skin until its becomes a charcoal-like substance
- Eyes become pitch black, as if injected with a thick oozy black ink
- His hair goes from raven to slick black
- His nails turn black and razor sharp
- All of his teeth become dark sharp fangs, hidden behind dried, flaky lips
- Any abilities are randomly heightened depending on which power he focuses on
At its strongest:
- He is surrounded in black dust, allowing him to travel anywhere over a large space or even fly
- Anyone who comes into contact with the dust will be entrapped in crippling fear, rendering them immobile. In some case the dust can manifest into the victims worst fears
Transformation Description
Should Darkness have enough strength and will to return to his true form, rails of fire burn across his pale skin, leaving behind trails of pitch black over his veins until they completely cover his entire body, like a path of burning gun powder. As if injected with thick and oozy black ink, his eyes bleed black beneath the cornea until it covers his eyes. What would once be raven silky hair, becomes solid and jet black, his nails and teeth growing razor sharp.
In intense cases, black dark falls from broken skin. Its can be minor but at its full potential the dust, and darkness himself becomes a thick cloud of dark smoke, threatening to blind any who come into contact with it with crippling terror, their worst fears sometimes manifesting before them. His strength and durability significantly increases and all sense are heightened. An ability of his choice, or all abilities depending on his strength, become much stronger, however, this requires a lot of focus on his part and can be exhausting.
At the highest point of his existence in the shadows, the process of his transformation was quick and easy. Now that he no longer owns his realm and struggles to maintain strength, his transformation is extremely painful and exhausting and at most times means he is as unaware and uncontrollable as a werewolf. Returning to his vessels appearance and coming out of his true form requires as much strength as it take to transform into it. This can sometimes have negative repercussions, ranging from short periods of unconsciousness to a coma.
The power to manipulate darkness
Pain Illusion
The ability to cause pain or torture others just by looking at them.
He can manipulate emotions including feelings, moods, and their affects.
The ability to teleport themselves to any place (exceptions include restricted realms)
Thermal Manipulation
The ability create, shape and manipulate any form of temperature.
The ability to heal himself and others.
The ability to manipulate molecules, limited to black dust.
Sensory Theft
The ability to reduce or completely remove one's senses including hearing, taste, sight, smell, and touch.
Aura Reading
The ability to perceive and read aura's.
Superhuman Strength
The ability to turn invisible. (aura is still visible to those who can read it)
Soul Removal/Manipulation
The power to remove souls and/or manipulate the souls of others
Conditional Immortality
The ability to live forever on the condition that he continues harnessing energy from a particular source
Personal Domain
The Power to rule over a certain realm(s)
Shadow Creation
The ability to create shadow creatures
Realm Creation/Manipulation
The ability to create and manipulate realms
The ability to gain insight into a question or situation using dust and ash.
Unsupported flight
The ability to fly without the need for wings or any other object. (Darkness is encircled by black smoke whenever he flies)