Myths and Legends are often misconstrued when compared to reality. Sometimes we only get one side of a story that has been reshaped and obscured as it is passed down through history. While the legend of Lucifer Morningstar is a tale of the evilest being known to man, it's safe to say we only have half of the story.
Most of those who have ever crossed his path view Lucifer as a cruel and unreasonable monster, and while they're right to believe it, the mistake they make is believing he does so because he enjoys it. This couldn't be further from the truth.
As one of the original Archangels of The Heavens, Lucifer was beloved by all and proved to be more than a valuable asset to the realm. As an enforcer and one who helped run the realm in its entirety, he grew to become a great leader amongst his brothers. But even though he was at the top of his game, he wanted more. It wasn't enough for him to have loyalty and admiration. He wanted the power to make significant changes to the realm. To rule it completely and do whatever he wanted. At the time, personal sins were unheard of, and Lucifer became one of the first to be tainted by their destructive effects. The most notable were his greed, pride, envy and wrath; as time passed, they each showed their ugliness in his day-to-day life.
He wanted to be proud of himself, to make a difference he could deem significant. He tested God's patience day after day, only to be met with denial and disappointment until a point came when he began to receive warnings of his dismissal. Opposing God in any way was punishable by banishment, and if he were any other angel, his sentence would've already been passed.
Blinded by his sins, he consulted his closest brothers, Samael and Asmodeus, and spoke of a plan to rebel against the Heavens and take what he feels is rightfully his. Of course, his plans were discovered with an omniscient being at the helm. With his dedication and time spent in the Heavens in his youth, God decided to give him a second chance. A final warning. But this only irked him as if to mock his desire to be great. Even his youngest brother Limbo questioned his pursuit of power, which only fanned the flames.
After many years of deception and successfully hiding his plot, he convinced his family and the most loyal angels he had to join him in a rebellion. One that would decide who rules once and for all. He infected the minds of those around him with the sin that engrained itself in his personality and abilities. Only those strong enough to deflect it, like his oldest brother Michael, could avoid being influenced by him. He never trusted those who hadn't fully supported him since the beginning. Limbo had previously tried to dissuade him. Belphegor had decided not to get involved at all, and while that was better opposing him, it still didn't sit right with him, his distrust for his youngest brothers prevailing.
The time came to finally get what he wanted, his family and fellow angels ready to take the Heavens in the dead of night. Ablaze with flames of hunger, the realm was consumed in fire as angel fought angel, the screams of war echoing across the once peaceful domain. However, Lucifer underestimated God's abilities. He didn't account for the number of angels God could create at a moment's notice. They were outnumbered, each rebelling angel being captured one by one. Blinded by his lust for power, Lucifer hoped that most opposing angels wouldn't get involved or be utterly loyal to him.
After a few days of fighting, Michael defeated Lucifer, and all who joined him were captured. The sentence was passed, and even as he begged for a second chance, he knew it was too late. His wings were ripped from his back and thrown down with him as he was banished to The Abyss for eternity.
As the first to fall from The Heavens, Lucifer was one of the few amongst his brothers to experience the draining dread that came with spending time in the Abyss. It sucks the life from you the longer you stay in it. Having lost everything at the height of his existence, he mourned his home and his brothers. His anger still burned in his heart despite being racked with the grief and consequences of his mistakes. After a few days with no contact, he was preparing for the end, wallowing in despair until his youngest brother Limbo managed to find him. Despite his distrust for him in the Heavens, he'd never been happier to see him again. He was just glad he wasn't alone anymore. The two searched for their brothers and gathered any other fallen angels that joined them on their plummet to The Abyss. They waited to waste away for months, some of the weaker fallen angels crumbling into nothing. That was until Limbo announced a plan that would come to change history forever.
Limbo has devised a plan to create a realm that replaced the Abyss and allows them to control the souls God abandons and denies. With his youngest brother's remarkable ability of realm creation, Lucifer entrusted him with it entirely and focused on gaining power as soon as possible, his determination for strength now reborn. As his youngest brother built their new home, Lucifer worked with everyone else on the structure of how the realm would work, bringing the sinful to their side and feeding from their souls. Eventually, Lucifer met Lilith in their realm after God had conducted his newest experiment on life.
Searching for ways to disrupt God however he could, Lucifer discovered the Garden of Eden, where he found two souls living in harmony. But instead of seeing them as a new life and wonder to the world, Lucifer saw an opportunity. One that would ruin God's plans or give him power… or both.
With his cunning and persuasive personality, Lucifer managed to influence the sin that lived within these mortals. He had his eye on one of them in particular. Eve's tangible soul caught his serpent's eye, and he gave everything he could to ensure she would be tainted with sin. Eventually, Adam and Eve were caught, the latter thrown into the Abyss, unforgiven and forgotten by 'the righteous'. After a few years, Adam's wife, Lilith, caught his attention in Hell. After introducing himself, Lucifer and Lilith grew much closer. He found they had a lot in common, being banished for not complying or obeying someone. So, Lucifer gave her abilities and indulged her in sin, giving her demonic powers. However, he was unaware of how much he had poisoned her mind.
With her grief and anger, coupled with Lucifer's strong influence, Lilith had become a creature of manipulation. Her thirst for control made her as desperate for power as he. Hidden under an innocent and loving persona, Lilith used her powers of coercion to poison Lucifer's mind. In their relationship, she managed to control and create different ways Hell could be run in his mind, some of which still prevail today. With one true ruler in mind, her plans opposed Limbo's, the young fallen angel creating Hell to be run together as a family. So, she convinced Lucifer to try to take ownership of Hell.
After Lilith's compulsion and convincing the rest of his family to agree, Lucifer would be in charge. However, Limbo was the only one to see the truth. After Limbo attacked the love of his life and threatened to destroy the realm, Lucifer decided to banish his youngest brother from Hell. While the rest of his family supported him against Limbo, Lucifer was still devastated. He knew he didn't want to banish the one brother who got them out of this mess. However, obscured by Lilith's influence, he was too blinded by his wrath and desire for power to see clearly. Lucifer defeated Limbo in a one-on-one battle, throwing him from the realm he had created for their family.
He wanted to rule. He wanted to show the Heavens that he and he alone could be the most powerful being in existence. To become a God himself. But he needed the realm and as much of its power as he could gain from it to get what he wanted. With Limbo in the way, he was convinced he wouldn't achieve it.
After banishing his brother, Lucifer was burdened with his conflicting thoughts, his judgment muddied by Lilith. In a fit of anger, he tore Hell apart, breaking it into nine different circles where each of his brothers could work to gain power while he ruled over it all. Enraged by loss and his inner conflict, he confronted Lilith, finding out about her lies after gaining more power from the souls that began to inhabit the realm. After confronting her, he instantly destroyed her and trapped her soul in the icy depths of Hell, where she remains to this day, frozen in treachery's walls for eternity.
Devastated by the loss of his brother and the betrayal of the love of his life, Lucifer became a truly unfeeling and unforgivable creature. Only one thing mattered to him now; Gain enough power to destroy the Heavens and take control of everything. With the growing number of souls that suffered in his realm and the power that came with it, God created the Balance of Nature to stop, or at least slow, the Devil's progress. Since he had no choice and wanted to continue fighting for control, Lucifer signed a deal and became a soul contributor to the balance of nature, which reduced his power intake and restricted him to rules. He could no longer do what he wanted and now had to organise and control Hell. Otherwise, he would lose everything all over again.
Centuries went by as Lucifer, and his brothers gained power, despite earning it at a painfully slow rate. His goal for complete control was slipping away as time went by. That was until he formed an idea.
The Shadows had been around ever since he could remember, but he'd recently heard about its owner's relatable struggle to maintain control. The realm was one of the strongest, and Lucifer certainly had his eye on it, forming a plan to take it over entirely and use it to achieve his goal of invading The Heavens and everywhere else. While Darkness was away searching for his family in Nihil, Lucifer convinced a group of Umbrae to rise and take control, making a deal with them. This deal allowed them to gain immense powers at the cost of feeding him power, and once they achieved their goal of complete ownership over the Shadows, they would give him half of it. Knowing Lucifer, however, he wanted more.
Darkness had no idea that these superior Umbrae made a deal with The Devil, and Lucifer would take advantage of this. So, he waited for an opportunity for Darkness to be at his weakest and offered the Occultum the same deal he gave the very people who rebelled against him. Now it is up to Darkness. Will he accept the deal and doom himself? Will Lucifer succeed in gaining control of the Shadows? Time will only tell as this decision rests on Darkness' shoulders.
Lucifer isn't cruel and unforgivable because he likes it. He's violent and merciless because he fully believes he has to be to achieve his goal. The only question that remains is, will Lucifer ever be satisfied?
Lucifer still maintains part of who he was before being banished from The Heavens. The part of him that always wanted more than just monotonous work in paradise still lives within him. He wanted the power to make an impact and to be something or someone as important as God. Despite being defeated by his brother, Lucifer's determination prevents him from stopping even when he's gone too far.
After his banishment, Lucifer's desire for power only grew, tainted by his madness. Lucifer was ridden by self-disappointment. He still feels this disappointment deeply, as if he's failed completely. However, rather than dissuading him, this pain propels him forward. Lucifer is determined to prove to himself and others that he isn't one to be trifled with.
The high expectations he has for himself make him obsessive and impatient. He expects so much from those who work for him due to his standards. If he fails at anything, no matter how big or small, he takes it out on those around him. However, even though he's ruthlessly demanding towards others, he always expects more from himself than anyone else.
Lilith's coercion left behind permanent damage regarding how he makes decisions and his reactions. Before, he was much more calculative and rather than have a violent outburst if someone disappointed him, he would find a way forward.
However, now with a poisoned mind, Lucifer's judgement is clouded, making him unreasonable and unforgivable in his decisions. He no longer cares for his family or anyone else, making him unable to trust anyone. This is Lucifer's curse; an inability to connect with others or love anyone despite how much he wants to.
Now he only cares about others' loyalty to him. He will support a few of the family members he's close to, like Asmodeus and Samael. But if anyone he cares for ever gets in his way, he will turn on them and become mercilessly unforgivable.
Rather than fight people head-on or have any immediate violent outbursts, Lucifer will always try to make those who wrong him think they got away with it, to catch others in a lie rather than confront them. He prides himself in tricking people into deals that look completely innocent, proving to others how much better he is.
1,94 (6'4)
Maya Blue
(Red with a purple outlines when active)
Dirty blond
- The surface of his skin burns away and becomes charred wood, crackling with fiery embers
- Goats horns grow from his forehead
- His nails are as sharp as daggers
- A long, pointed tail made of the same charred wood as his skin grows from his lower back. its can grab anything around him or slice anything in its path.
- Two tree branched wings grow from his back, mimicking that of a burnt bats wings with large talons at its tips.
- His eyes and mouth exhume fire
- he grows to twice his normal height (10-15 ft)
- He has the ability to hurl flaming boulders at anyone around him.
At its strongest:
- His whole body is consumed in fire that can grow or shrink at will
- He is able to conjure fire demons that are under his control.
- He can grow up to a height of 15-20 ft
Transformation Description
As his transformation begins, his skin begins to sizzle, steam rising from his body while his eyes glow with intense heat. Depending on the speed of his transformation, his skin gradually or immediately melts away, leaving behind charred wood with glowing embers peaking from between barked skin.
Horns slowly and painfully break through his upper forehead, curling and twisting until they thicken and become tougher than a hell blade’s metal. His whole body grows as his muscles expand, Lucifer’s nails emerging as thick, long talons.
A long tail of charred wood grows from his lower back, its end pointed like a dagger, able to grab or slice anything in its path. Two large wings break through the scars on his back, but instead of the soft white feathers they once were, they emerge like two sharp wooden spider’s legs, buried in the ground beside when he uses them to lift himself up.
Pain Illusion
The ability to cause pain or torture others just by looking at them.
Realm Manipulation
The ability to manipulate realms (not skilled enough to create one from scratch)
The ability to heal himself or others
The ability to manipulate, influence, shape and move people, objects or matter with his mind.
Astral Projection
The power to project the consciousness of himself or others from the body
Lie Detection
The power to detect lies
Demon Creation/Manipulation
the ability to create and manipulate Demons
Body Language Analysis
The power to intuitively read others' body language and anticipate their actions
The power to alter one's form and appearance (is unable to alter the appearance of his aura/energy)
Soul Removal/Manipulation
The power to remove souls and/or manipulate the souls of others
Conditional Immortality
The ability to live forever on the condition that he continues harnessing energy from a particular source
Personal Domain
The power to rule over a certain realm(s)
Afterlife Linking
The ability to connect souls to different realms (only able to connect to realms that he owns)
The ability to teleport and transfer others or objects somewhere else.
The ability to create, shape and manipulate fire/Hellfire
Thermal Manipulation
The ability to create, reduce, and manipulate temperature.
Aura/soul Reading
He's able to read someone's aura and soul. Reading information from the victim.
Supernatural Strength
Sin Projection
The ability to project sin in others.
He can create, manipulate, and destroy demons to do his bidding, whether it is to kill others or simply be slaves.
True Invisibility
The ability to turn invisible and remain completely undetectable even from those who read aura's or energies.
Universal Guardian
A preserver of the balance of nature
​Eternal Oath
The user is bound by their word. Should they break their promise, they risk ability loss or death depending on the circumstances (this ability is a product of Universal Guardian)​. Lucifer had used this ability to his advantage.