- Liam
(Original name)
10th December
(Year unknown)
Physically: 25
Mentally: 12.6 Bn
Former: Angel
- Fallen Angel
The Heavens
- Guardian of Purgatory
- Owner of The Realm of Lost Souls
- Realm Builder

Limbo wasn't always cold-hearted and bloodthirsty. Born in The Heavens, Limbo was once an Angel, carrying out his duties happily and contributing to its growth with his famed intelligence. He loved his life there, working alongside his best friend, Caric, and his many brothers. However, the Heavens isn't the lovely place you've read and heard so much about when it comes to an Angel's perspective. It's full of endless hard work and the expectation of unyielding loyalty to God, no matter what. Lucifer and Michael, Limbo's two older brothers, were Archangels fighting to claim the desired title of the most powerful Archangel of them all. Lucifer, in particular, wanted to prove he could rule, believing he could do a better job than God, which was a treasonous intention and punishable by banishment. Despite his brother knowing the risks, Limbo had heard of a rebellion his brother wished to lead. While he would have always supported his family no matter what (at the time), he was hesitant to blindly support his brother in their endeavour to commit treason, afraid of the consequences should they fail.
Limbo attempted to convince Lucifer not to go through with the rebellion since Lucifer had already received his first and only warning. Limbo's doubt, of course, didn't go down well with Lucifer, who presented Limbo with a request. If Limbo supported him and they won, Lucifer would make Limbo the Supreme Archangel and realm builder, the latter being his mastered skill. However, if he didn't support him and they lost the rebellion, Lucifer would make sure he and the rest of his family would abandon Limbo in the Abyss. Limbo decided to continue supporting his brother, mainly because his loyalty to family was much stronger than his loyalty to God. The rebellion was underway, and already it was looking like a lost cause. The eldest brother, Michael, defeated Lucifer in battle, and once the uprising was lost, all angels who fought against God and those who abstained from defending him were sentenced to banishment. Banishment from The Heavens resulted in the removal of an Angel's wings before being thrown down to The Abyss for eternity.
Limbo was terrified. He regretted his decision to support Lucifer, hoping God would forgive him after all the dedication and loyalty he had shown in the few centuries he'd existed. However, there were no exceptions. Any traitor to The Heavens, including those who don't defend it, will be damned. Limbo was brought to the gates of Heaven, the cut wings of his brothers piled up around the floor. He cried and begged for forgiveness as Caric, his best friend and someone he spent centuries of his life working with, came bearing the sword of Azrael, its flames burning off the blood that coated its sharp, silver steel. After the excruciatingly painful removal of his wings, Limbo cursed out Caric for his betrayal before the angels threw him from the Heavens forever.
It was said that the first three fallen angels to awaken from their impact in the Abyss were Lucifer, Asmodeus, and Samael. However, it was Limbo who was the first to wake, surrounded by the thick, mist-like dirt that filled the air. Screaming out for his brothers with tears coating his cheeks, Limbo eventually found Lucifer, who reassured him they were okay despite also being in shock. Eventually, the two found and brought together the other fallen angels, their brothers and allies who fell alongside them. After months of wandering about the murky dead land, his brothers had lost complete hope, waiting to waste away into nothing but dust like the fallen angels before them. However, Limbo spent most of his time planning their next move. Just as he was in The Heavens, Limbo is a determined being. He always strived for progress, a way to move forward and gain more from life. Despite mourning the loss of his home and other family members, Limbo had an idea that would change the course of history even though his name wouldn't be seen anywhere in the history books.
He went to his brothers with the idea of making The Abyss into a realm far greater than their previous home, one that could house Heaven's rejected souls. From these souls, they could draw power and grow stronger than those stupid angels. They could prove them wrong and make them regret banishing them. Limbo always loved proving people wrong; his brothers were impressed and on board with this idea. As arguably the best realm builder in existence, Limbo began working on The Abyss, turning it from the celestial version of Death Valley to a beautiful and intricate fusion of ice and fire, its hills rising and falling with lava falls and mountains at its edges. He designed it with specific locations for each of his brothers and the souls they would manage, making a primary home in the middle for them all to convene and relax in. He was determined to make this place their home and prove to God he'd made a mistake banishing him. During the construction of their new realm, Hell, Lucifer had met the infamous Lilith, whose soul was rejected from The Heavens. They grew close very quickly, which Limbo found odd. He never liked Lilith, and for a good reason. Unbeknownst to anyone, she was poisoning Lucifer's mind, bewitching him, and convincing him to make decisions Limbo didn't like. Lucifer became colder, more ruthless, and heartless with each passing day, Limbo being the only one to notice since he could see Lucifer's memories. He could see what Lilith was doing to him.
Hell was nearly finished, and Limbo was excited to rule the realm alongside his brothers. He wanted to rule together equally. However, Lucifer had a different idea. With or without his poisoned mind, Lucifer had always wanted to be in charge. He and Limbo had already argued about this during Hell's construction. However, now had come the time to make a decision, and the majority of the others agreed that they wanted Lucifer to rule, just as they did in the rebellion, excluding the few who were neither in favour nor against him. After a big argument between the two brothers, Limbo was outraged, upset that the realm he had just built for his family would be under the care of just one of them rather than the whole family. Limbo believed that ruling together would make them more robust in the long run, therefore making Hell grow more powerful. But he was once again underestimated. Infuriated by his brother wanting to take over, Lilith getting away with her evil plot and with the added trauma Limbo was still dealing with, he threatened to destroy Hell, going as far as damaging its core. Lucifer had to fight him to stop him from causing any more damage, Lilith convincing him to lock Limbo up in chains forged in Hellfire, burning its captor anytime they moved.
Lucifer didn't want to fight with his younger brother nor banish him from a realm he had just built. It was his idea in the first place. However, Lilith had other plans. Limbo was her only threat, and she wanted him gone. With her ability of coercion, she attempted to convince Lucifer to banish his little brother. But Lucifer was still hesitant. Frustrated and impatient, Lilith decided to take things into her own hands. She visited Limbo in the citadel he was chained in, falsifying that Lucifer had decided to banish him. In response to hearing this, despite the incredible pain, it caused him, he broke free from his chains and attacked her, choking the very life out of her until Lucifer tackled him off and beat him to submission. Limbo defeatedly asked his brother why he would banish him. Enraged that Limbo attacked her along with his threat to destroy Hell and his continued disloyalty, Lucifer sentenced Limbo to banishment. Limbo begged his other brothers for help but received no support. He screamed at Lucifer, vowing to destroy him and everything he had and promising that he would never stop until all of his brothers were on their knees begging for mercy. When Limbo makes a promise, he will stop at nothing to fulfil it, no matter how long it takes.
Limbo was once again banished from his home. Losing everything he had and the only people he ever cared for, he landed in the realm between realms, awakened by the rumbling sounds of the moving land around him, the air dense and hard to breathe. With the creation of Hell now opposing The Heavens, rather than fight it, God decided it was good to have a place for damned souls to be punished for their actions, predicting it would convince more souls to devote themselves to him and bring him and his angels more strength and power. The balance of nature was now well and truly established, and God created Purgatory for souls worthy of the chance at redemption. However, no angel was capable enough to rule it. With an abundance of knowledge in realm management from his previous days in the Heavens, God made Limbo the Guardian of Purgatory. At first, Limbo wanted nothing to do with it, but he had nothing else, and rather than wander the endless in-between, he agreed to work in Purgatory, unhappy that he didn't technically own it (another one of God's punishments).
Every day Limbo worked in Purgatory, he grew increasingly frustrated, his mind progressively becoming twisted with resentment and insanity. He lost his original home and, shortly after making a new one, was once again ostracised by his own family. It truly broke his mind. Alongside reluctantly running Purgatory for God, he secretly created yet another realm. However, this one was unlike any other, a large ghostly forest. Its trees were black and rotten while a white glowing mist settled amongst the land. He built this realm intending to steal supernatural souls from Purgatory to gain more power of his own. It was too late when The Heavens and Hell found out. Limbo gained enough energy and housed enough supernatural souls to contribute to the balance of nature. If they destroyed it, someone would have to take its place. Limbo remains the Guardian of Purgatory. However, he rarely works there, only occasionally visiting it to ensure things are running and the base amount necessary.
He now resides in his realm, collecting souls and building his strength so he may one day get revenge on Hell and all who live in it. Rather than using his brawn, Limbo had decided to use his brains and figure out a way to destroy Lucifer's operation from the inside, meddling with his work and planning to take advantage of his brother's mistakes, sewing seeds of doubts in those he needs to gain power.
Limbo is playing the long game, and while his unstable mind loses patience very quickly, he will stop at nothing to get his revenge and prove to those who betrayed him that they were wrong to disregard and underestimate him.
Falling from The Heavens changes you. As an Angel, Limbo was kind and thoughtful, with a strong sense of duty to his work. He has always been knowledgeable and attentive to others and the stability of The Heavens. With his creative abilities, he was once in charge of realm maintenance and expansion, working hard to ensure The Heavens were prosperous.
However, after being betrayed by his friends, people he considered family, and thrown from the realm he worked so hard to maintain, a seed of hate was planted. He became dedicated to proving them wrong. Limbo is a productive person whose determination enabled him to build a whole new realm for the family he cared deeply for. His anger fueled him and still does to this day.
When he was thrown from Hell, it destroyed him. If there was any kindness and compassion in him after being thrown from The Heavens, it was now dead. His mind broke as devastatingly as his heart. Anyone who knew him before wouldn't recognise the creature he became after the betrayal. After losing everything again, Limbo became the epitome of evil, isolating himself in his realm and planning his revenge for centuries. Each time his plans met dead ends or failed, he would lose more of himself.
He is now a short-tempered, high-functioning sociopath able to change his personality and how he appears to others convincingly to get what he wants: a mastermind and a trickster whose only loyalty is to himself. Due to his obsession with revenge, he makes elaborate plans behind everything he does, no matter how small.
Limbo will do anything to get what he wants or foil his brother's plans. His inability to care for others, or concern himself with the caring side he was accustomed to, makes him a deadly force, one of which you do not want to get on the wrong side.
While it may seem safe or honest, an alliance with Limbo is not advised. Even though he rarely takes on allies or works with anyone else, Limbo will say and do anything he can to get what he wants out of whoever he works with. Even if he makes a binding promise, in the end, he will completely disregard any respect he afforded. If you were ever unlucky enough to come face to face with Limbo, any hopes of running away would be futile, as smart as you would be to do so.
He doesn't just want revenge on his brother Lucifer or The Heavens. He wants revenge on the world for being cruel and unfair to him. He wants to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's more than just a pitiful fallen angel. He wants to ensure that what happened to him never occurs again, making him highly paranoid when it comes to trusting others. But he will do anything to prove himself, Limbo aiming to destroy the balance of nature.
1.85m (6"1')
Red with an outline of purple
(dark brown regularly)
Ghostly white, like freshly fallen snow.
Current Vessel:
Dark brown like aged mahogany, rich and deep, yet with subtle hues only time brings
- His skin turns light-grey, crumbling away from his body and face like floating ash
- Eyes and hair glow as white as the moon
- Nails turn sharp
- Bony wings with no feathers and razor sharp edges
- Looks like a ghost/lost soul
At its strongest:
​ - He turns into a thick grey mist with white, glowing eyes still prevalent.
- Anyone who touches the mist will experience excruciating pain or die and be trapped in his realm for eternity.
Transformation Description
His skin gradually turns light grey, crumbling away from the surface like ash, floating around him and creating a protective barrier during his transformation. His hair and eyes turn completely white, his irises glowing as bright as the full moon, cracks forming on the surface of his cornea.
Razor-sharp nails extend from his ghostly fingers while two white, bony wings force themselves from his scarred back, their edges razor sharp, the dactylopatagium transparent like a bat's wings.
the transformation can be harrowing for Limbo at times, the voices of his memories reverberating around him as his appearance shift into that of a lost soul's
In extreme cases, Limbo's white eyes glow through a thick grey mist, threatening to consume anyone or anything nearby, putting them in excruciating, mind-altering pain. Should it kill them, their soul will automatically be trapped in his realm, doomed to suffer their worst memories for eternity.
Due to the power of his realm, his status in the balance of nature and his angelic history, Limbo can easily transform. However, it still causes him pain, a pain that only fuels him further.
Realm Creation/Manipulation
The ability to create and manipulate realms
Environment Manipulation
the ability to manipulate and reshape certain environments
Absolute Potential
The user has absolute potential, capacity for growth and learning, allowing to learn/master absolutely anything they want, regardless of their skills, personality, species, etc. They have no ceiling to what they can learn and no limitations on what they can develop, allowing them to develop endlessly in any and all areas, and can attain all powers naturally.
(ability given to him by Memphis Aurelius without his knowledge)
The ability to heal himself or others
Supernatural Strength.
Body Language Analysis
The power to intuitively read others' body language and anticipate their actions
Conditional Immortality
The ability to live forever on the condition that he continues harnessing energy from a particular source
Personal Domain
The power to rule over a certain realm(s) (gained after creating a realm)
Universal Guardian
A preserver of the balance of nature
​Eternal Oath
The user is bound by their word for all eternity. Should they break their promise, they risk ability loss or death depending on the circumstances (this ability is a product of Universal Guardian)​
Ability Imprinting
The power to imprint other people's/creature's abilities into himself or others almost instantly. (if physically or mentally weak, the time it takes is increased). He only uses the abilities he copies when absolutely necessary, or when there's no unwanted attention nearby, out of fear of being discovered. The abilities he copies become part of him and stay with him forever. Removing an ability, while possible, would be like removing a limb.
(ability given to him by Memphis Aurelius without his knowledge)
Ability Erasure
(sub power of Ability Imprinting)
The ability to erase other people's/creature's abilities temporarily or completely (Limbo is not aware he has this ability yet)
The ability to teleport themselves to any place (exceptions include restricted realms)
(Ability copied from an unknown supernatural soul in Purgatory)
He can control the memories of others, allowing him to modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, restore, erase, detect, and view them. He can also see environmental memories, witnessing what once happened in certain places. Limbo has fully adopted this ability as his own and uses it frequently enough that people don't question how he got it.
(Ability copied from an unknown supernatural soul in Purgatory)
The ability to gain insight into a question or situation using dust and ash.
(Ability copied from Darkness)
Sensory Theft
The ability to reduce or completely remove one's senses including hearing, taste, sight, smell, and touch.
(Ability copied from Darkness)
The ability to manipulate, influence, shape and move objects or matter with his mind.
(Ability copied from Lucifer)
Afterlife Linking
The ability to connect souls, spirits and ghosts to different realms (only able to connect to realms that he owns)
(Ability copied from Lucifer)
True Invisibility
The ability to turn invisible and remain completely undetectable even from those who read aura's or energies.
(Ability copied from Lucifer)